CarriRo - Assistant Robot Cart

Your logistics support robot. This is an "in-between" robotic cart that can be adapted into your existing business operation. No need to crash course into full automation, CarriRo allows you do implement step by step.

Fall back modes for operators in tight, difficult, stressful conditions back to manual or power driven mode.

Ideally, you would want operators to start using "Follow Me" mode. Familiarize with the robot, it will follow the beacon ahead carried by either an operator wearing it at their back of their body or at the back of another cart in front.

When operators are comfortable, then convert to full automation.

Each robot cart is equipped with a hitch, it can tow existing carts in your business, forming a long train. Then a train of carts can follow the back of the train in front, forming a long line of trains for maximum efficiency and productivity.

Contact Us.

Anson Wu

Kenny Chow


Catalogue JP/EN


Syrius Robotics - Compact AMR


EVIDEI - Asset Management