Effidence - EffiBOT - Collaborative Robot
Effidence has designed the EffiBOT, an AMR that acts as a real assistant, to optimise logistics flows in industry and warehouses. EffiBOT is a modular robot with multiple uses, from order preparation to line-side supply, in many sectors of logistics and industrial activities.
Syrius Robotics - Compact AMR
Robots on the ground, operational intelligence in the cloud. Syrius Robotics brings to life future productivity using affordable AMR (autonomous mobile robot) and AI technologies.
CarriRo - Assistant Robot Cart
Your logistics support robot. This is an "in-between" robotic cart that can be adapted into your existing business operation. It can be implemented step-by-step from manual, power driven, "Follow Me" to full automation.
Adamo Robot - Robotic Therapeutic Treatment
ADAMO Robot consists of a six-axis robotic arm capable of highly articulated movements to provide precise therapeutic treatment by applying compressed air.
LSR - Robert - Therapy Assistant Robot
Robert is a physiotherapist's robotic assistant that'll help perform repetitive tasks assigned by you.