新草鞋 SHIN-WARAJI ~Total Body Toner Shoes~
SHIN-WARAJI ~Total Body Toner Shoes~ brings the benefits of traditional straw footwear (Waraji) in modern reiteration that traces back to MARUKI's 128 years+ of shoe making experience originating in Asakusa combined with Matsumura-sensei’s Bone Stretch chiropractic experience.
STAUDT - Wearable Micro-Massage
STAUDT® therapy sleeves with Mobitex® fabric – they are similar to a support, but are worn loosely and at night. Thanks to many years of intensive medical research and innovation, STAUDT® has established itself as a leading provider of therapy sleeves applied at night in orthopaedics and orthopaedic rehabilitation.
Blueback Physio - Portable Deep EMG
The Blueback Physio is a class I medical device that has been tested in comparison with ultrasound imagery and has demonstrated an average correlation of 97% with this technique. Blueback uses the Deep EMG method for the evaluation of the transversus abdominis muscle (TrA). By using biofeedback, women can gradually relearn to activate their transverse muscle in a targeted way, thereby reinforcing pelvic stability.