新草鞋 SHIN-WARAJI ~Total Body Toner Shoes~
As simple as just changing a pair of shoes and effortless exercises.
SHIN-WARAJI ~Total Body Toner Shoes~ brings the benefits of traditional straw footwear (Waraji) in modern reiteration that traces back to MARUKI's 128 years+ of shoe making experience originating in Asakusa combined with Matsumura-sensei’s Bone Stretch® chiropractic experience. Hence the name SHIN-WARAJI (新草鞋) since both share experiences and inspirations with Waraji.
SHIN-WARAJI brings user health benefits by correcting posture. Humans are designed to distribute their weight between two key arches: the arch of spine and the arch of foot, so as not to put stress on each joint of muscle. Since arch of the foot is the foundation of our body, that is where SHIN-WARAJI shoes are here to help. Together with Bone Stretch, which are quick and simple exercises that help finding the right balance and loosing up body stress.
Before wearing SHIN-WARAJI, I couldn't walk long distances without quickly feeling tired. If I pushed through the fatigue, I would start experiencing pain in my pelvis and hip joints, making it difficult to move. Fortunately, I managed to stop before causing any serious damage, but it would take days to fully recover.
For over two decades, I wore arch support insoles prescribed by doctors, but the problems persisted. I couldn't find a solution.
When I first tried SHIN-WARAJI, it felt strange. I was used to wearing shoes with thick soles, like my sports and business shoes, which made SHIN-WARAJI's thin soles feel unfamiliar rather than uncomfortable. It took some time to get used to.
The benefits of SHIN-WARAJI were immediate. As soon as I stood up wearing them, it felt effortless. My body felt light, and it seemed like a different set of muscles were being used.
Walking felt natural and effortless. I no longer had to focus on balancing or each step, which used to tire my mind and make me want to sit down and rest. It was like walking barefoot, enhancing my proprioception. After a month of wearing SHIN-WARAJI, I could feel even the slightest changes in the ground.
The shoes are very light and comfortable, reducing fatigue over long distances. I used to feel tired after 7,000 steps, with pain in my pelvis and hips, but now I can walk 20,000 steps and beyond without feeling pain or tiredness.
SHIN-WARAJI didn't just improve my walking. By correcting my feet, the foundation of my body, my overall posture improved, and I experienced less pain in my back, shoulders, and neck.
These shoes are truly a "try it to believe it" experience. It's hard to convince people with just the theory, but if it works, it works! Most people with walking problems, knee pain, back pain, or poor balance saw immediate improvement.
In my most recent visit, I found out they are already producing golf shoes to help golfers improve performance and reduce injuries.
I wish I had discovered SHIN-WARAJI much earlier. I want to share this happiness with others facing similar problems.
I performed a 3D posture scan comparing barefoot, work shoes, and SHIN-WARAJI. The results, as shown below, were clear!
Comparison of SHIN-WARAJI, bare feet and wearing business shoes using Visbody 3D Posture Scanner
User Cases in Japan.
“When I reached late 70’s, my daughter couldn’t bear to see me walking limping, that’s when she took me to a Bone Stretch® seminar. Just by wearing a pair of shoes?! It fits perfectly! I could immediately walk effortlessly without limping. My feet feel like connected with the ground. Thanks to SHIN-WARAJI, I could aim to walk 3,000 – 5,000 steps per day. Something so simple can make me life so much easier, make me happier.”
“I gave a pair of Room Shoes to my 82 years old mother as a present to replace ordinary home slippers. When my mother wear ordinary slippers, she can barely lift her feet, it looks like she’ll fall anytime, making us very concerned. Once she wears SHIN-WARAJI Room Shoes, her balance and posture look much better, much more natural. The way she looks when she’s walking, looks like we have much less to worry about now. Also, it’s amazing how her lower back pain disappeared altogether.”
“It’s amazing how my feet feel so much lighter the moment I put on these shoes. As I thought it could reduce my feet’s fatigue during work, I bought it instantly. Although it’s more expensive than ordinary shoes, I didn’t think twice and bought a pair of black and a pair of brown. Ever since I own these two pairs, I’m not wearing other shoes anymore.”
“So, when I first wore SHIN-WARAJI Golf Shoes around the golf course, out of nowhere, my drives got extended by 10-15 yards, I was so surprised. What surprised me even more is I could use so much strength, I’ve torn my brand-new gloves. How did a pair of shoes make my body feel lighter? How did my swing speed increase by that much? Anyway, this will become my weapon on the golf course.”
User Cases in Hong Kong.
I usually wear sports shoes for leisure trips, but I find that my soles and waist become very tired after long walks. When I wear shin-waraji, I don't experience any pain in my waist or soles, even after prolonged walking. While my leg muscles do get tired from walking, the fatigue is easily recovered with a good night's sleep. So, I believe shin-waraji have been very helpful.
I have high-arched feet and easily feel pain after standing for long time, such as during exhibitions, even wearing in soles for high-arched feet. I tried ditching the in sole I usually wear for my high-arched feet when wearing shin-waraji shoes, it feels more comfortable than wearing sport shoes with high-arched in sole. Also, I can stand for long time during exhibitions without pain even not wearing high-arched feet in sole with shin-waraji shoes.
Feel free to contact us to arrange an appointment to experience SHIN-WARAJI at our showroom. We have stairs and slopes, 3D posture scanners that can help you.
Contact Us.
Kayson Cheung
Fred Tsui
Steve Hui