OMNIFIT - Mental Healthcare Solution
Mental Healthcare Solution OMNIFIT - To manage mental health by analyzing bio-signals (PPG/EEG). It is managed with one-stop process from measurement to analysis, prescription and training by adopting reliable medical devices and OMNIFIT algorithm.
VISBODY - 3D Body Analysis
Visbody 3D Full Body Scanner and Body Composition Analysis. Visbody adopts patented technologies to provide a safer, more advanced, and more comfortable body assessment experience.
OLKI Control - Core Muscle Training Exercise
Activating intuitive exerciser for improved core stability and control.
EXOSYSTEMS - exoPILL - AI-Based EMG Data Analysis
EMG-based muscle status measurement. AI-Based EMG Data Analysis and Characteristics extraction. Functional Electrical Stimulation, FES accustomed to your various skin and muscle status.
Turtle Gym - Gym for Elderly
Turtle Gym is a series of isokinetic electric assisted gym equipment targeted at Elderly. These gym equipments have low risk of injury and their exercises focuses on helping Elderly to strengthen their muscles essential to daily activities.