AQUA FLEX - HOCl Water Generator

Generates weak acid hypochlorous water and strongly alkaline water independently.

  • No handling of dangerous chemicals, no need for supervisor when operating Mizumo

  • No waste when producing weak acid hypochlorous water or alkaline water, which means better cost efficacy and better for the environment!

  • Weak acid hypochlorous water and alkaline water produced are already diluted at the right concentration, ready for use, which is also safe to handle.

Weak acid hypochlorous water produced with Mizumo conforms to the Standards of Food Additives established by Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry, it is designated as a specified agricultural chemical by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and it conforms to criteria for bromic acid concentration established by Water Supply Act in Japan. The diluted weak acid hypochlorous water produced conforms to FDA FCN No. 1811.

Contact Us.

Kayson Cheung




Hocliaq - HOCl Water


VSEP - Solid, Liquid Separation Technology