Trap Guard - Sewer Trap Seal

The Trap Guard device was introduced to the market in 2002 making Trap Guard the first trap seal device for protecting sewer gases and sewer backups to the general public. The prevailing wisdom at that time was “sewer gas never killed anybody.”

We now know that this is not necessarily the case. There have been many recent cases where people have died when infectious diseases are present in the drainage system. The Trap Guard is normally in the closed position, sealed tight like no other system. It opens with as little as one ounce of water but will allow a flow of 34.5 GPM of waste water when opened.

The Trap Guard has been tested in accordance with the ASSE 1072 test standard for ANSl/ASME A112.6.3 drains and by Warnock Hersey for the CSA B79 General Purpose Drains. It was evaluated by the ICC Evaluation Service and listed under ICC-ES-PMG Listing 1091.

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