Hospital, Wellbeing Cyprus Lau Hospital, Wellbeing Cyprus Lau

Biosensetek - Wearable Telemetry MIoT Solution

Continuous monitoring of vital signs – ECG, heart rate, respiration, and body surface temperature, with real-time transmission and recording at the central physiological monitoring station. 連續監測生命徵象–心電圖、心跳、呼吸、體表溫度,進行即時傳輸並記錄在中央生理監視站。

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Wellbeing Cyprus Lau Wellbeing Cyprus Lau

Mr. Urinar - Wearable Urine Collector

For men troubled by incontinence issue, walk outside with confidence! Mr.Urinar is a wearable, reusable urine collector that helps you store urine on the go. Mr.Urinar is for standing/sitting position. Dandy Urinar is an alternative version for lying/sleeping position

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Wellbeing Cyprus Lau Wellbeing Cyprus Lau

STAUDT - Wearable Micro-Massage

STAUDT® therapy sleeves with Mobitex® fabric – they are similar to a support, but are worn loosely and at night. Thanks to many years of intensive medical research and innovation, STAUDT® has established itself as a leading provider of therapy sleeves applied at night in orthopaedics and orthopaedic rehabilitation.


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