Wellbeing, Hospital Cyprus Lau Wellbeing, Hospital Cyprus Lau

Wheeleo - One-hand Walker

The Wheeleo® is an innovative mobility device that reduces your risk of falling, is easily transported and has an elegant design. As it only requires one hand, your other hand stays available for carrying out daily activities such as grocery shopping, opening doors or simply move your glass of water.

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Wellbeing Cyprus Lau Wellbeing Cyprus Lau

WHEELDRIVE - Power Assist Wheel

WHEELDRIVE is a new generation of auxiliary drive for users of a manual wheelchair that can use extra support. Power Assist Technology® relieves the strain on the user. Two hoops design, outer hoops give you semi-auto power assist, while the inner hoops give you fully auto drive.


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Wellbeing Cyprus Lau Wellbeing Cyprus Lau

YBSoft - Wheellock - Auto-lock Wheelchair

YBSoft prevents potential risks from getting on/off a wheelchair by introducing an autolocking mechanism. Wheellock is always locked when unused. It can only be unlocked when the user is sitting firm, this is ensured by a safety bar that prevents the user from leaving.


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