NeOCOAT - Heat Shedding Coating
Ecolo Tec's NeOCOAT is a revolutionary heat shedding coating designed to manage thermal energy effectively. NeOCOAT transforms heat into kinetic energy when temperatures exceed 25°C, helping to cool surfaces. Conversely, it raises the temperature when it's below 5°C. Unlike conventional heat reflective paints that contribute to urban heat islands by reflecting infrared rays, NeOCOAT dissipates thermal energy, reducing this effect.
Sweatless Diffuser - No Condensate Drip Diffuser
Coated by nylon-66 fibre, the Sweatless Diffuser prevents condensation and solves your diffuser condensate dripping problem. It is durable, non-combustible and resistant to mould growth.
Aeris Guard - HVAC Clean & Disinfection
Aeris’s patented technologies continue to protect you… using invisible film, microbial control and application of long term residual protection and coatings.