SilverStride™ 悅動墊™ - Softens Upon Impact

Softens Upon Impact

Shock absorbing material underneath a thin layer of vinyl finish

SilverStride™ uses a special silicon based material that softens upon impact, such as fall. The material softens instantly, absorbing impact, reducing the seriousness of injury and reducing the chance of bone fracture.

When undisturbed, the floor mat remains stiff and firm, that does not affect walking or wheelchair moving across its surface. Soft or bouncey surface would make walking more difficult as it affects the gait balance and the sense of landing and it would in contray increase the risk of falling.

SilverStride™ comes in two forms that suits different applications.

  • Floor mat that can be moved and place anywhere from high risk area such as bedside, restroom, bathroom etc. Floor mat comes in raw finish with milky white colour or vinyl finish with wooden pattern. Floor mat also has edge accessories to prevent tripping.

  • Floor tile that can be applied to rooms or entire home during renovation, this can cover all areas possible. Floor tile comes with vinyl finish with wooden pattern, that no one knows you have a mat beneath.

利用物料科技製造,悅動墊™ 物料性質會受衝擊而變軟。不幸運跌落時,地墊一旦受到衝擊,物料會立刻變軟,吸收撞擊,減少骨折,受傷的機會和嚴重程度。



ELDEXPO 2024 第八屆中國(廣州)國際養老健康產業博覽會 - Booth A15

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Austin Lee


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